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Instances or Virtual Servers are virtual computation resources which one can consume on demand when needed. The user platform supports multiple operating systems (Linux, Windows), different types (generic, compute intensive or memory intensive) and variety of configurations (called flavors)


Volumes are virtual block storage devices that can be attached to Instances to enable persistent storage. Volumes can be created in two different ways - during instance creation or from directly under Volumes tab. Volumes can be attached to/ detached from instances (either in active or shutdown state)

(current) User Documentation Instances or Virtual Servers are virtual computation resources which one can consume on demand when needed. The user platform supports multiple operating systems (Linux, Windows), different types (generic, compute intensive or memory intensive) and variety of configurations (called flavors) Volumes are virtual block storage devices that can be attached to Instances to enable persistent storage. Volumes can be created in two different ways - during instance creation or from directly under Volumes tab. Volumes can be attached to/ detached from instances (either in active or shutdown state) The user platform provides detailed resource usage information for a given user under given project for a given period (usually 30 days). Partner will be able to send Invoices to the customer for such usage at per-user granularity. The user platform also supports different methods of invoice reconciliation (Net 30, Net 45 etc.) The user platform provides monitoring capabilities that enable monitoring health of various resources and assets (controllers, services, instances, etc) and resource utilization (cpu utilization, disk IOPS, network read bandwidth, etc). The user platform also provides alerting capabilities on status of critical resources to proactively maintain uptime of resources and services. Back to top Monitoring & Alerts